BBGH & BBHF教育奖学金
• Applicant must be a resident of Box Butte, Dawes, Morrill, Grant, or Sheridan counties.
• Applicant must either be pursuing or enrolled in a healthcare program or degree – clinical or business/finance.
• Applicants must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and college applicants must be enrolled as full-time students (12 credits).
• Applicant must express a desire to pursue employment in the service area of Box Butte总医院.
• Preference is given to current or past BBGH employees.
• The scholarships are merit-based, and applicants must demonstrate a financial need.
• Box Butte总医院 and Box Butte健康基金会 will award 15 scholarships for $2,000. 申请表格可于 2月1日 必须在3月1日之前盖上邮戳.
- 5个高中奖学金
- 10个大学奖学金
• Each scholarship will be paid as follows: $1,秋季学期的学费是1万美元,春季学期的学费是1万英镑.
• Scholarship funds may be used to cover education expenses, 包括学费, 书, 以及其他费用.
• Funds are paid directly to the school in which the recipient is enrolled.
• Payment for the fall semester will be initiated on September 1st once a class schedule has been submitted. Spring semester payment will be initiated on 2月1日st once a spring semester class schedule and fall semester transcripts have been submitted. 请将所有资料提交至 Shadell彼得森. 联系方式如下.
• Complete the educational scholarship application form below.
• Obtain and submit current official college or high school transcript.
• Complete a short essay describing what this scholarship would mean to you and why you chose or are interested in a healthcare career. May include: what professional goals you hope to achieve, relevant work or shadowing experience, and/or advantages of living and working in a rural area.
•提供 两个 letters of recommendation, each with a separate reference form below. 一个是专业的,一个是私人的.
• Submissions that do not meet all requirements will not be considered.
• For consideration scholarship packets must be postmarked by March 1, 2024. 没有例外.
应用程序关闭. 明年再来!
Box Butte总医院
联盟,NE 69301
Or email the application, transcript, essay, and letters of recommendation to
Please include all materials in ONE email.
问题? 拨打308.762.4357 ext. 3034.